You all were so kind with all your comments on this tulip series, that I went back and found one last shot to share. Thank you, thank you!
And, Happy Mother's Day, Mom! I love you!
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@Linerberry: Thanks so much, Liners!
@MrsAmber: You're far too kind, but thank you nonetheless. :)
@Lorraine: Merci, 'Rainy!
@Lee: Your comments are always so appreciated. Thanks, Lee!
@john4jack: Greatly appreciated, Jack.
@jeff (aka dogilicious): Thanks a million, Jeff!
@Scott Schilling: Your words mean a lot, Scott. Thank you.
@Alun: Thank you, thank you, Alun!
@Graham Russon: Thanks ever so much, Graham.
@Bookfool: Me, too! I love the traditional reds and pinks, but this orange/yellow just knocks my socks off. And, yes, they return every year. That is the ones that the squirrels decide to ignore. I have a dozen or so under the tree in the front yard and this year the squirrels ate every single one as they poked up through the dirt (the tulip leaves - not the squirrels!). At least I think it's those rascals. Could be rabbits. Grrrrr.