These are the most cheerful little birds and I can't wait to welcome them back to my feeders! Come on, spring!
Lincoln, NE
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@Linerberry: I love these little guys. They're so cheerful-looking!
@dogilicious: Aren't they wonderful?! We don't get nearly as many as we did when we lived out in the country. They certainly bring a smile to my face when I see the first bunch of them in the spring.
@john4jack: He's probably telling the other one to get off his feeder! :)
@Lorraine: They're my favorite birds, Lorraine. I only wish they'd stick around longer than they do. They never fail to make me smile.
@grouser: :)
@Calusarus: As long as I keep the thistle fresh, they're happy.
@JJ: I've just started hearing the song birds in the morning, JJ. They must know something I don't know. It certainly doesn't feel warm enough to be spring!
@jamesy: Gold finches. You can read more about them here.