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Posted by
Lesley (Lincoln, United States) on 4 November 2008 in Miscellaneous and Portfolio.

Shot at the corner of Cornhusker Highway and 84th Street in Lincoln, Nebraska

Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.
- Andrew Lack

Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.
- Jerry Garcia

Half of the American people never read a newspaper. Half never voted for President. One hopes it is the same half.
- Gore Vidal

The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.
- Winston Churchill

Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people are right more than half of the time.
- A.E. Smith

“It's not the voting that's democracy; it's the counting.
- Tom Stoppard

“Those who stay away from the election think that one vote will do no good: 'Tis but one step more to think one vote will do no harm."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Judy from Brooksville-Florida,, United States

Excellent, Les ... two minds thinking alike ... see mine here!

4 Nov 2008 6:14am

@Judy: Thanks for visiting, Judy.

Lorraine from Gatineau, Canada

Great feeling in this photo I also enjoyed the quotes :)

4 Nov 2008 11:17am

@Lorraine: Aren't they great?! I couldn't just chose one. :)

Observing from West Cheshire, United Kingdom

A great symbol.

4 Nov 2008 12:17pm

@Observing: Yes, it most certainly is.

JJ from Jersey City, United States

nicely composed, vivid colors a very appropriate post for today

its a big day not just for the United States but all the world I hope there will be a big turnout and the right choice made

PS Even though I am living here in the states I am on a work Visa so not entitled to vote

4 Nov 2008 1:49pm

@JJ: I'll bet it was very exciting to be in New York last night (and today 11/5)!

peter from new york, United States

hell yes! great shot btw : )

4 Nov 2008 1:58pm

@peter: Thanks, Peter. I really like the shot of the statue you posted today (11/5).

michele from Penacook, United States

I concur!

4 Nov 2008 3:24pm

@michele: Thanks for visiting my blog.
BTW, your girls are beautiful!

Michael Rawluk from Prince George, Canada

The photo is terrific but the quotes had me. I had to read them twice.

4 Nov 2008 4:46pm

@Michael Rawluk: And I've read them at least that many times. I really couldn't decide on just one, so I went with the whole lot!

Kathryn from Warburton, Australia

a great image! I think most of the world is holding their breath today... I know i am!

4 Nov 2008 11:03pm

@Kathryn: It's nice to finally stop holding one's breath, isn't it?
BTW, you have a lovely blog.

Bookfool from Vicksburg, United States

I could have sworn I left a comment. Very nice shot and apropos. Love it!

4 Nov 2008 11:58pm

@Bookfool: Wonder where it went? I have no control over the incoming comments, as I do with Blogger.
Glad you like the flag shot. You wouldn't believe how huge it is in person!

jamesy from christchurch, New Zealand

What an appropriate shot for your election day. Good luck with yours we go to the polls in NZ on Saturday the 8thnov

5 Nov 2008 12:11am

@jamesy: I hope your election is as successful as ours was!

Doug from Long Beach, United States

Excellent quotes to accompany a well-composed flag shot.

10 Nov 2008 5:13am

@Doug: Thanks, Doug. I enjoyed picking out the quotes.